Smashing Conference

Conference Design

Type Systems

John Nettleton

Spring 2021

Design the conference the materials for a selected design conference: Smashing Conference San Francisco. The final deliverables include a poster, direct mail piece, brochure, website, mobile app, and zoom background. Smashing Conference is a UX/UI conference, focusing on real-world problems and solutions. The conference is centered on frontend and UX, but it covers everything web related, including interface design and machine learning. It is hosted over two days with 14 speakers and numerous hands-on workshops.

The Fifth SmashingConf San Francisco explores themes that include how to apply psychology to UX, design work-flow, refactoring, moving to a static site setup, CSS Grid techniques, performance, and deployment patterns for HTTP/2. Keeping these themes in mind, the conference materials play off the idea of web design by using common mobile app icons as graphic elements. To make materials visually engaging, more information is revealed as the viewer takes a closer look.